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These days life’s pressures seem to get to us at a much earlier age, so why wait until you’re older to get motivated? “A For Attitude” is for kids of all ages to browse through when in need of inspiration and encouragement, to open at random and read a page or two. It encourages the development of positive attitudes, tackling everything from anger, fear and jealousy, to gossip, health and creativity. Learn about: Believing in yourself; Overcoming fears; Coping with bullies; Asking for help; Dealing with anger; The importance of fun and laughter; Admitting when you’re wrong; Learning to relax; How to work towards a goal; Looking for the good in others; and much more.
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A trained general nurse, Julie Davey was inspired to produce this book after reading the positive works of Richard Bach, Jack Canfield, Dr Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay. Putting these principles across with her own illustrations, she hopes her book will inspire children to understand that their attitudes establish who and what they may become and how happily they can live their lives. Before writing A for Attitude, Julie sought expert opinions from a child psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, a senior community health nurse, and several parents. She has also trained with Jack Canfield - USA's foremost presenter of self-esteem and peak performance seminars. A self-taught artist, Julie also creates greeting cards and gift wrapper for retail and corporate use.
Introduction: The Power of a Positive Attitude
A is for Attitude
B is for Believe in Yourself
C is for Courage
D is for Determination
E is for Empathy
F is for Friendship
G is for Gratitude
H is for Hope
I is for Imagination
About The Book
These days life’s pressures seem to get to us at a much earlier age, so why wait until you’re older to get motivated? “A For Attitude” is for kids of all ages to browse through when in need of inspiration and encouragement, to open at random and read a page or two. It encourages the development of positive attitudes, tackling everything from anger, fear and jealousy, to gossip, health and creativity. Learn about: Believing in yourself; Overcoming fears; Coping with bullies; Asking for help; Dealing with anger; The importance of fun and laughter; Admitting when you’re wrong; Learning to relax; How to work towards a goal; Looking for the good in others; and much more.
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